Loma Linda is one of the more unique medical schools out there. Filling out the school’s secondary will most likely require researching the school’s website for most applicants. Here’s one of my example responses to one of their questions that pretty much forces applicants to do some leg work.
Describe the extent and source of your knowledge of Loma Linda University School of Medicine (LLUSM). (750 characters max)
My knowledge of LLUSM primarily stems from the school’s website and from friends who have applied here in the past. LLUSM seeks to follow in Christ’s footsteps in its desire to heal and teach others in order to “make man whole.” The school teaches medicine from a Seventh-day Adventist, Christian perspective, and strongly encourages students to participate in service-oriented activities, such as international medical mission trips or programs helping underserved communities. An equal value is placed on the importance of education and research. The school emphasizes the holistic–physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual–growth of the student.